Board Inspector Tool

This guide describes all features and uses of the tool.

About the Board Inspector Tool

The board inspector tool enables you to generate a board configuration file on the target system. The board configuration file stores hardware-specific information extracted from the target platform and is used to customize your ACRN configuration.

Generate a Board Configuration File


Whenever you change the configuration of the board, such as BIOS settings, additional memory, or PCI devices, you must generate a new board configuration file.

The following steps describe all options in the board inspector for generating a board configuration file.

  1. Make sure the target system is set up and ready to run the board inspector, according to Prepare the Target and Generate a Board Configuration File in the Getting Started Guide.

  2. Load the msr driver, used by the board inspector:

    sudo modprobe msr
  3. Run the board inspector tool ( to generate the board configuration file. This example assumes the tool is in the ~/acrn-work/ directory and my_board is the desired file name. Feel free to modify the commands as needed.

    cd ~/acrn-work/board_inspector/
    sudo python3 my_board

    Upon success, the tool displays the following message:

    PTCT table has been saved to PTCT successfully!
  4. Confirm that the board configuration file my_board.xml was generated in the current directory.

Command-Line Options

You can configure the board inspector via command-line options. Running the board inspector with the -h option yields the following usage message:

usage: [-h] [--out OUT] [--basic] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]
             [--check-device-status] board_name

positional arguments:
  board_name            the name of the board that runs the ACRN hypervisor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out OUT             the name of board info file
  --basic               do not extract advanced information such as ACPI namespace
  --loglevel LOGLEVEL   choose log level, e.g. info, warning or error

                        filter out devices whose _STA object evaluates to 0

Details about certain arguments:




Required. The board name is used as the file name of the board configuration file and is placed inside the file for other tools to read.


Optional. Specify a file path where the board configuration file will be saved (example: ~/acrn_work). If only a filename is provided in this option, the board inspector will generate the file in the current directory.


Optional. By default, the board inspector parses the ACPI namespace when generating board configuration files. This option provides a way to disable ACPI namespace parsing in case the parsing blocks the generation of board configuration files.


Optional. Choose log level, e.g., info, warning or error. (Default is warning.)


Optional. On some boards, the device status (reported by the _STA object) returns 0 while the device object is still useful for pass-through devices. By default, the board inspector includes the devices in the board configuration file. This option filters out the devices, so that they cannot be used.