GPU Passthrough on Skylake NUC¶
This community reference release for the Skylake NUC with GPU passthrough is a one-time snapshot release and is not supported or maintained.
Hardware platform¶
Software Configuration¶
- acrn-hypervisor tag acrn-2018w39.6-140000p
- acrn-kernel tag acrn-2018w39.6-140000p
- Clear Linux OS: version: 25130 (UOS and SOS use this version)
Source code patches are provided in skl-patches-for-acrn.tar file to work around or add support for enabling GPU passthrough:
- 0001-hv-workaround-for-system-hang-on-non-apicv-devices.patch
- 0002-hv-More-changes-to-enable-GPU-passthru.patch
- 0003-dm-increase-interrupt-storm-threshold-for-gpu-passth.patch
- 0004-dm-passthrough-opregion-to-uos-gpu.patch
- 0005-dm-modify-launch-script-to-support-gpu-passthrough.patch
Software Setup¶
Please follow the Getting Started Guide for the Intel NUC, with the following changes:
Set up a Clear Linux Operating System
Clear Linux OS will update to the latest version during installation. Run this command (as root) to roll back to version 25130, using the
switch to ignore version mismatch:# swupd verify -x --fix --picky -m 25130 # swupd autoupdate --disable # reboot
Add the ACRN hypervisor to the EFI Partition
Refer to Build ACRN from Source to build the hypervisor, device model, and tools.
Download and untar this skl-patches-for-acrn.tar file, apply these patches to the acrn-hypervisor, and build it:
$ git clone $ cd acrn-hypervisor $ git checkout acrn-2018w39.6-140000p $ curl | tar x $ git am *.patch $ make
This build process creates new
with this new version (as root):# cp build/devicemodel/acrn-dm /usr/bin/acrn-dm
Put the new
hypervisor application (included in the Clear Linux OS release) on the EFI partition (as root):# mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt # mkdir /mnt/EFI/acrn # cp build/hypervisor/acrn.efi /mnt/EFI/acrn/
Configure the EFI firmware to boot the ACRN hypervisor by default. This assumes you are on an NVMe SSD as in the Skull Canyon:
# efibootmgr -c -l "\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi" -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L "ACRN"
Create a boot entry for ACRN Service OS by making a few edits to the
file (note the options line must be one long line, without any line breaks):# vim /mnt/loader/entries/acrn.conf title The ACRN Service OS linux /EFI/org.clearlinux/kernel-org.clearlinux.pk414-sos.4.14.68-99 options pci_devices_ignore=(0:18:1) console=tty0 console=ttyS2 root=/dev/nvme0n1p3 rw rootwait ignore_loglevel no_timer_check consoleblank=0 i915.nuclear_pageflip=1 i915.avail_planes_per_pipe=0x01010F i915.domain_plane_owners=0x011111110000 i915.enable_gvt=1 i915.enable_guc=0 hvlog=2M@0x1FE00000
Don’t Enable weston service (skip this step found in the NUC’s getting started guide).
Set up Reference UOS by running the modified
After UOS is launched, do these steps to run GFX workloads:
install weston and glmark2:
#swupd bundle-add desktop glmark2
Add new user cl_uos:
# useradd cl_uos # passwd cl_uos # usermod -G wheel -a cl_uos
Enable weston service:
# systemctl enable weston@cl_uos # systemctl start weston@cl_uos
Disable weston screen saver:
# vim .config/weston.ini [core] idle-time=0
run glmark2:
# glmark2-es2-wayland