Build ACRN from Source

If you would like to build the ACRN hypervisor, device model, and tools from source, follow these steps.

Install build tools and dependencies

ARCN development is supported on popular Linux distributions, each with their own way to install development tools:


ACRN uses menuconfig, a python3 text-based user interface (TUI) for configuring hypervisor options and using python’s kconfiglib library.

  • On a Clear Linux development system, install the necessary tools:

    $ sudo swupd bundle-add os-clr-on-clr os-core-dev python3-basic
    $ pip3 install --user kconfiglib
  • On a Ubuntu/Debian development system:

    $ sudo apt install gcc \
         git \
         make \
         gnu-efi \
         libssl-dev \
         libpciaccess-dev \
         uuid-dev \
         libsystemd-dev \
         libevent-dev \
         libxml2-dev \
         libusb-1.0-0-dev \
         python3 \
         python3-pip \
         libblkid-dev \
    $ sudo pip3 install kconfiglib


    You need to use gcc version 7.3.* or higher else you will run into issue #1396. Follow these instructions to install the gcc-7 package on Ubuntu 16.04:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install g++-7 -y
    $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 60 \
                         --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7


    Ubuntu 14.04 requires libsystemd-journal-dev instead of libsystemd-dev as indicated above.

  • On a Fedora/Redhat development system:

    $ sudo dnf install gcc \
         git \
         make \
         findutils \
         gnu-efi-devel \
         libuuid-devel \
         openssl-devel \
         libpciaccess-devel \
         systemd-devel \
         libxml2-devel \
         libevent-devel \
         libusbx-devel \
         python3 \
         python3-pip \
         libblkid-devel \
    $ sudo pip3 install kconfiglib
  • On a CentOS development system:

    $ sudo yum install gcc \
            git \
            make \
            gnu-efi-devel \
            libuuid-devel \
            openssl-devel \
            libpciaccess-devel \
            systemd-devel \
            libxml2-devel \
            libevent-devel \
            libusbx-devel \
            python34 \
            python34-pip \
            libblkid-devel \
    $ sudo pip3 install kconfiglib


    You may need to install EPEL for installing python3 via yum for CentOS 7. For CentOS 6 you need to install pip manually. Please refer to for details.

Build the hypervisor, device model and tools

The acrn-hypervisor repository has four main components in it:

  1. The ACRN hypervisor code located in the hypervisor directory
  2. The EFI stub code located in the efi-stub directory
  3. The ACRN devicemodel code located in the devicemodel directory
  4. The ACRN tools source code located in the tools directory

You can build all these components in one go as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd acrn-hypervisor
$ make

The build results are found in the build directory.


if you wish to use a different target folder for the build artefacts, set the O (that is capital letter ‘O’) to the desired value. Example: make O=build-nuc BOARD=nuc6cayh.

Generating the documentation is described in details in the ACRN documentation generation tutorial.

Follow the same instructions to boot and test the images you created from your build.

Configuring the hypervisor

The ACRN hypervisor leverages Kconfig to manage configurations, powered by Kconfiglib. A default configuration is generated based on the board you have selected via the BOARD= command line parameter. You can make further changes to that default configuration to adjust to your specific requirements.

To generate hypervisor configurations, you need to build the hypervisor individually. The following steps generate a default but complete configuration, based on the platform selected, assuming that you are under the top-level directory of acrn-hypervisor. The configuration file, named .config, can be found under the target folder of your build.

$ cd hypervisor
$ make defconfig BOARD=nuc6cayh

The BOARD specified is used to select a defconfig under arch/x86/configs/. The other command-line based options (e.g. RELEASE) take no effects when generating a defconfig.

Modify the hypervisor configurations

To modify the hypervisor configurations, you can either edit .config manually, or invoke a TUI-based menuconfig, powered by kconfiglib, by executing make menuconfig. As an example, the following commands, assuming that you are under the top-level directory of acrn-hypervisor, generate a default configuration file for UEFI, allow you to modify some configurations and build the hypervisor using the updated .config.

$ cd hypervisor
$ make defconfig BOARD=nuc6cayh
$ make menuconfig              # Modify the configurations per your needs
$ make                         # Build the hypervisor with the new .config


Menuconfig is python3 only.

Refer to the help on menuconfig for a detailed guide on the interface.

$ pydoc3 menuconfig

Create a new default configuration

Currently the ACRN hypervisor looks for default configurations under hypervisor/arch/x86/configs/<BOARD>.config, where <BOARD> is the specified platform. The following steps allow you to create a defconfig for another platform based on a current one.

$ cd hypervisor
$ make defconfig BOARD=nuc6cayh
$ make menuconfig         # Modify the configurations
$ make savedefconfig      # The minimized config reside at build/defconfig
$ cp build/defconfig arch/x86/configs/xxx.config

Then you can re-use that configuration by passing the name (xxx in the example above) to ‘BOARD=’:

$ make defconfig BOARD=xxx