Coding Guidelines


PP-01: ## or # operators shall be used with restrictions

## or # operators shall only be used alone. The following cases shall not be allowed:

  1. The result getting from ## or # operation shall not be used as the operands of another ## or # operation;
  2. Mixed-use of ## or # operators shall not be allowed.

Compliant example:

#define CONCAT(x, y) x ## y

uint32_t ab = 32;
printf("%d \n", CONCAT(a, b));

Non-compliant example:

#define CONCAT(x, y, z) x ## y ## z

uint32_t abc = 32;
printf("%d \n", CONCAT(a, b, c));

Compilation Units

CU-01: Only one assignment shall be on a single line

Multiple assignments on a single line are not allowed.

Compliant example:

a = d;
b = d;
c = d;

Non-compliant example:

int a = b = c = d;

CU-02: Only one return statement shall be in a function

Multiple return statements in a function are not allowed.

Compliant example:

int32_t foo(char *ptr) {
    int32_t ret;
    if (ptr == NULL) {
        ret = -1;
    } else {
        ret = 0;
    return ret;

Non-compliant example:

int32_t foo(char *ptr) {
    if (ptr == NULL) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

CU-03: All code shall be reachable

Compliant example:

uint32_t func_showcase(void)
    uint32_t showcase = 32U;

    printf("showcase: %d \n", showcase);
    return showcase;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t func_showcase(void)
    uint32_t showcase = 32U;

    return showcase;
    printf("showcase: %d \n", showcase);

CU-04: Cyclomatic complexity shall be less than 20

A function with cyclomatic complexity greater than 20 shall be split into multiple sub-functions to simplify the function logic.

Compliant example:

bool is_even_number(uint32_t param)
    bool even = false;

    if ((param & 0x1U) == 0U) {
        even = true;

    return even;

uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    uint32_t ret;

    if (param >= 20U) {
        ret = 20U;
    } else if (is_even_number(param)) {
        ret = 10U;
    } else {
        ret = 0U;

    return ret;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
        uint32_t ret;

        if (param >= 20U) {
                ret = 20U;

        if ((param == 0U) || (param == 2U) || (param == 4U) || (param == 6U) ||
                (param == 8U) || (param == 10U) || (param == 12U) || (param == 14U) ||
                (param == 16U) || (param == 18U)) {
                ret = 10U;

        if ((param == 1U) || (param == 3U) || (param == 5U) || (param == 7U) ||
                (param == 9U) || (param == 11U) || (param == 13U) || (param == 15U) ||
                (param == 17U) || (param == 19U)) {
                ret = 0U;

        return ret;

Declarations and Initialization

DI-01: Variable shall be used after its initialization

Compliant example:

uint32_t a, b;

a = 0U;
b = a;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t a, b;

b = a;

DI-02: Function shall be called after its declaration

Compliant example:

static void showcase_2(void)
    /* main body */

static void showcase_1(void)

Non-compliant example:

static void showcase_1(void)

static void showcase_2(void)
    /* main body */

DI-03: The initialization statement shall not be skipped

Compliant example:

    uint32_t showcase;

    showcase = 0U;
    goto increment_ten;
    showcase += 20U;

    showcase += 10U;

Non-compliant example:

    uint32_t showcase;

    goto increment_ten;
    showcase = 0U;
    showcase += 20U;

    showcase += 10U;

DI-04: The initialization of struct shall be enclosed with brackets

Compliant example:

struct struct_showcase_sub
    uint32_t temp_1;
    uint32_t temp_2;

struct struct_showcase
    uint32_t temp_3;
    struct struct_showcase_sub temp_struct;

struct struct_showcase showcase = {32U, {32U, 32U}};

Non-compliant example:

struct struct_showcase_sub
    uint32_t temp_1;
    uint32_t temp_2;

struct struct_showcase
    uint32_t temp_3;
    struct struct_showcase_sub temp_struct;

struct struct_showcase showcase = {32U, 32U, 32U};

DI-05: The array size shall be specified explicitly

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase[2] = {0U, 1U};

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase[] = {0U, 1U};

DI-06: Global variables shall only be declared once

Global variables shall only be declared once with the following exception. A global variable may be declared twice, if one declaration is in a header file with extern specifier, and the other one is in a source file without extern specifier.

Compliant example:

/* In `showcase.h` */
extern uint32_t showcase;

/* In `showcase.c`: */
/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase = 32U;

void func_showcase(void)

Non-compliant example:

/* In `showcase.c`: */
/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;
uint32_t showcase = 32U;

void func_showcase(void)


FN-01: A non-void function shall have return statement

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);
    return param;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);

FN-02: A non-void function shall have return value rather than empty return

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);
    return param;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);

FN-03: A non-void function shall return value on all paths

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (param < 10U) {
        return 10U;
    } else {
        return param;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (param < 10U) {
        return 10U;
    } else {

FN-04: The return value of a void-returning function shall not be used

Compliant example:

void showcase_1(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);

void showcase_2(void)
    uint32_t a;

    a = 0U;

Non-compliant example:

void showcase_1(uint32_t param)
    printf("param: %d\n", param);

void showcase_2(void)
    uint32_t a;

    a = showcase_1(0U);

FN-05: Parameter passed by pointer to a function shall not be reassigned

Compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t *param_ptr)
    uint32_t *local_ptr = param_ptr;

    printf("%d \n", *local_ptr);

Non-compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t *param_ptr)
    printf("%d \n", *param_ptr);

FN-06: Parameter passed by value to a function shall not be modified directly

Compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    uint32_t local = param;

    printf("%d \n", local);

Non-compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    printf("%d \n", param);

FN-07: Non-static function shall be declared in header file

Compliant example:

/* In `showcase.h`: */
uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param);

/* In `showcase.c`: */
#include "showcase.h"

uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    return param;

Non-compliant example:

/* There is no `showcase.h`. */

/* In `showcase.c`: */
uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    return param;


ST-01: sizeof operator shall not be performed on an array function parameter

When an array is used as the function parameter, the array address is passed. Thus, the return value of the sizeof operation is the pointer size rather than the array size.

Compliant example:


void showcase(uint32_t array_source[SHOWCASE_SIZE]) {
        uint32_t num_bytes = SHOWCASE_SIZE * sizeof(uint32_t);

        printf("num_bytes %d \n", num_bytes);

Non-compliant example:


void showcase(uint32_t array_source[SHOWCASE_SIZE]) {
    uint32_t num_bytes = sizeof(array_source);

    printf("num_bytes %d \n", num_bytes);

ST-02: Argument of strlen shall end with a null character

Compliant example:

uint32_t size;
char showcase[3] = {'0', '1', '\0'};

size = strlen(showcase);

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t size;
char showcase[2] = {'0', '1'};

size = strlen(showcase);

ST-03: Two strings shall not be copied to each other if they have memory overlap

Compliant example:

char *str_source = "showcase";
char str_destination[32];

(void)strncpy(str_destination, str_source, 8U);

Non-compliant example:

char *str_source = "showcase";
char *str_destination = &str_source[1];

(void)strncpy(str_destination, str_source, 8U);

ST-04: memcpy shall not be performed on objects with overlapping memory

Compliant example:

char *str_source = "showcase";
char str_destination[32];

(void)memcpy(str_destination, str_source, 8U);

Non-compliant example:

char str_source[32];
char *str_destination = &str_source[1];

(void)memcpy(str_destination, str_source, 8U);

ST-05: Assignment shall not be performed between variables with overlapping storage

Compliant example:

union union_showcase
    uint8_t data_8[4];
    uint16_t data_16[2];

union union_showcase showcase;

showcase.data_16[0] = 0U;
showcase.data_8[3] = (uint8_t)showcase.data_16[0];

Non-compliant example:

union union_showcase
    uint8_t data_8[4];
    uint16_t data_16[2];

union union_showcase showcase;

showcase.data_16[0] = 0U;
showcase.data_8[0] = (uint8_t)showcase.data_16[0];

ST-06: The array size shall be valid if the array is function input parameter

This is to guarantee that the destination array has sufficient space for the operation, such as copy, move, compare and concatenate.

Compliant example:

void showcase(uint32_t array_source[16])
    uint32_t array_destination[16];

    (void)memcpy(array_destination, array_source, 16U);

Non-compliant example:

void showcase(uint32_t array_source[32])
    uint32_t array_destination[16];

    (void)memcpy(array_destination, array_source, 32U);

ST-07: The destination object shall have sufficient space for operation

The destination object shall have sufficient space for operation, such as copy, move, compare and concatenate. Otherwise, data corruption may occur.

Compliant example:

uint32_t array_source[32];
uint32_t array_destination[32];

(void)memcpy(array_destination, array_source, 32U);

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t array_source[32];
uint32_t array_destination[16];

(void)memcpy(array_destination, array_source, 32U);

ST-08: The size param to memcpy/memset shall be valid

The size param shall not be larger than either the source size or destination size. Otherwise, data corruption may occur.

Compliant example:

#define SHOWCASE_BYTES (32U * sizeof(uint32_t))

uint32_t array_source[32];

(void)memset(array_source, 0U, SHOWCASE_BYTES);

Non-compliant example:

#define SHOWCASE_BYTES (32U * sizeof(uint32_t))

uint32_t array_source[32];

(void)memset(array_source, 0U, 2U * SHOWCASE_BYTES);

ST-09: The denominator of a divide shall not be zero

The denominator of a divide shall be checked before use.

Compliant example:

uint32_t numerator = 32U;
uint32_t denominator = 0U;

if (denominator != 0U) {
    uint32_t quotient = numerator / denominator;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t numerator = 32U;
uint32_t denominator = 0U;

uint32_t quotient = numerator / denominator;

ST-10: A NULL pointer shall not be dereferenced

A pointer shall be checked before use.

Compliant example:

uint32_t *showcase_ptr = NULL;

if (showcase_ptr != NULL) {
    uint32_t showcase = *showcase_ptr;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t *showcase_ptr = NULL;

uint32_t showcase = *showcase_ptr;

ST-11: The condition of a selection or iteration statement shall not be constant

The condition of a selection or iteration statement shall not be constant with the following exception, do { … } while (0) shall be allowed if it is used in a MACRO.

Compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (param != 0U) {
        printf("param %d \n", param);

Non-compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (false) {
        printf("param %d \n", param);

ST-12: A string literal shall not be modified

Compliant example:

const char *showcase = "showcase";

printf("%s \n", showcase);

Non-compliant example:

char *showcase = "showcase";

showcase[0] = 'S';
printf("%s \n", showcase);

ST-13: The loop body shall be enclosed with brackets

Compliant example:

uint32_t i;

for (i = 0U; i < 5U; i++) {
    printf("count: %d \n", i);

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t i;

for (i = 0U; i < 5U; i++)
    printf("count: %d \n", i);

ST-14: A space shall exist between the expression and the control keywords

A space shall exist between the expression and the control keywords, including if, switch, while, and for.

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase;

if (showcase == 0U) {
    showcase = 32U;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase;

if(showcase == 0U){
    showcase = 32U;

ST-15: A space shall exist after the semicolon in a for expression

Compliant example:

uint32_t i;

for (i = 0U; i < 5U; i++) {
    printf("count: %d \n", i);

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t i;

for (i = 0U;i < 5U;i++) {
    printf("count: %d \n", i);

ST-16: A space shall exist around binary operators and assignment operators

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase = 32U;

showcase = showcase * 2U;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase=32U;



TY-01: The function return value shall be consistent with the declared return type

Compliant example:

uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (param < 10U) {
        return 10U;
    } else {
        return 20U;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t func_showcase(uint32_t param)
    if (param < 10U) {
        return 10U;
    } else {
        return -1;

TY-02: The operands of bit operations shall be unsigned

Compliant example:

uint32_t showcase = 32U;
uint32_t mask = 0xFU;

showcase = showcase & mask;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase = 32U;
int32_t mask = -1;

showcase = showcase & mask;

TY-03: Mixed-use between Boolean values and integers shall not be allowed

Some detailed rules are listed below:

  1. The operands of the arithmetic operation shall be integers;
  2. The operands of the logical operation shall be Boolean values;
  3. The controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement shall be Boolean;
  4. A Boolean type expression shall be used where Boolean is expected.

Compliant example:

bool showcase_flag = true;
uint32_t exp = 32U;
uint32_t cond_exp = 64U;

uint32_t showcase = showcase_flag ? exp : cond_exp;

Non-compliant example:

uint32_t showcase_flag = 1U;
uint32_t exp = 32U;
uint32_t cond_exp = 64U;

uint32_t showcase = showcase_flag ? exp : cond_exp;

TY-04: The enum shall not be used for arithmetic operations

Only the following operations on enum shall be allowed:

  1. enum assignment shall be allowed if the operands of = operation have the same enum type;
  2. enum comparison shall be allowed, including the operators ==, !=, >, <, >=, and <=.

Compliant example:

enum enum_showcase {

enum enum_showcase showcase_0 = ENUM_SHOWCASE_0;
enum enum_showcase showcase_1 = showcase_0;

Non-compliant example:

enum enum_showcase {

enum enum_showcase showcase_0 = ENUM_SHOWCASE_0;
enum enum_showcase showcase_1 = showcase_0 + 1U;

TY-05: static keyword shall not be used in an array index declaration

Compliant example:

char showcase[2] = {'0', '1'};
char chr;

chr = showcase[1];

Non-compliant example:

char showcase[2] = {'0', '1'};
char chr;

chr = showcase[static 1];

TY-06: A pointer shall point to const object if the object is not modified

Compliant example:

void func_showcase(const uint32_t *ptr)
    printf("value: %d \n", *ptr);

Non-compliant example:

void func_showcase(uint32_t *ptr)
    printf("value: %d \n", *ptr);

TY-07: The expressions type of ternary operation shall be consistent

Compliant example:

bool showcase_flag = true;
uint32_t exp = 32U;
uint32_t cond_exp = 64U;

uint32_t showcase = showcase_flag ? exp : cond_exp;

Non-compliant example:

bool showcase_flag = true;
int32_t exp = -1;
uint32_t cond_exp = 64U;

uint32_t showcase = showcase_flag ? exp : cond_exp;

TY-08: The struct field type shall be consistent

The struct field type shall be consistent between its definition and initialization.

Compliant example:

struct struct_showcase
    uint32_t temp_32;
    uint64_t temp_64;

struct struct_showcase showcase = {32U, 64UL};

Non-compliant example:

struct struct_showcase
    uint32_t temp_32;
    uint64_t temp_64;

struct struct_showcase showcase = {32U, -1};


ID-01: A parameter name shall not be the same as the name of struct, union, enum, variable, or function

Compliant example:

struct struct_showcase
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

void func_showcase(uint32_t showcase)
    /* main body */

Non-compliant example:

struct showcase
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

void func_showcase(uint32_t showcase)
    /* main body */

ID-02: A member name shall not be the same as the name of struct, union, or enum

Compliant example:

struct struct_showcase_1
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

struct struct_showcase_2
    uint32_t showcase_1;
    uint32_t showcase_2;

Non-compliant example:

struct showcase_1
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

struct showcase_2
    uint32_t showcase_1;
    uint32_t showcase_2;

ID-03: A global variable name shall not be the same as the name of struct, union, or enum

Compliant example:

struct struct_showcase
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void func_showcase(void)

Non-compliant example:

struct showcase
    char *str_source;
    char *str_destination;

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void func_showcase(void)

ID-04: A local variable name shall not be the same as a global variable name

Compliant example:

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void func_showcase(void)
    uint32_t showcase_local;

    showcase_local = 32U;

Non-compliant example:

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void func_showcase(void)
    uint32_t showcase;

    showcase = 32U;

ID-05: The function name shall be unique

The function name shall not be the same as the name of struct, union, enum, variable, or other functions.

Compliant example:

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void func_showcase(void)
    /* main body */

Non-compliant example:

/* global variable */
uint32_t showcase;

void showcase(void)
    /* main body */