.. _scenario-config-options: Scenario Configuration Options ############################## As explained in :ref:`acrn_configuration_tool`, ACRN scenarios define the hypervisor (hv) and VM settings for the execution environment of an ACRN-based application. This document describes these option settings. .. rst-class:: rst-columns3 .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Common Option Value Types ************************* Within this option documentation, we refer to some common type definitions: Boolean A true or false value displayed as a check box, checked indicating true. Hexadecimal A base-16 (integer) value represented by a leading ``0x`` or ``0X`` followed by one or more characters ``0`` to ``9``, ``a`` to ``f``, or ``A`` to ``F``. Integer A base-10 value represented by the characters ``0`` to ``9``. The first character must not be a ``0``. Only positive values are expected. String A sequence of UTF-8 characters. String-length limits or specific string value restrictions are defined in the option description. .. comment These images are used in generated option documentation .. |icon-advanced| image:: images/Advanced.png :alt: Find this option on the Configurator's Advanced Parameters tab .. |icon-basic| image:: images/Basic.png :alt: Find this option on the Configurator's Basic Parameters tab .. |icon-not-available| image:: images/Not-available.png :alt: This is a hidden option and not user-editable using the Configurator .. |icon-post-launched-vm| image:: images/Post-launched-VM.png :alt: Find this option on a Configurator Post-launched VM tab .. |icon-pre-launched-vm| image:: images/Pre-launched-VM.png :alt: Find this option on a Configurator Pre-launched VM tab .. |icon-service-vm| image:: images/Service-VM.png :alt: Find this option on the Configurator Service VM tab .. |icon-hypervisor| image:: images/Hypervisor.png :alt: Find this option on the Configurator's Hypervisor Global Settings tab We use icons within an option description to indicate where the option can be found within the Configurator UI: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - **Hypervisor/VM Tab** - **Basic/Advanced Tab** * - |icon-hypervisor| Find this option on the Configurator's **Hypervisor Global Settings** tab - |icon-basic| Find this option on the Hypervisor's or VM's **Basic Parameters** tab * - |icon-pre-launched-vm| Find this option on a Configurator **Pre-Launched VM** tab - |icon-advanced| Find this option on the Hypervisor's or VM's **Advanced Parameters** tab * - |icon-post-launched-vm| Find this option on a Configurator **Post-Launched VM** tab - * - |icon-service-vm| Find this option on the Configurator **Service VM** tab - ----- .. comment This configdoc.txt is generated during the doc build process from the acrn config schema files found in misc/config_tools/schema .. include:: configdoc.txt